1. Boas and Schmid: Kristallplastizitat. Berlin (1935).
2. C. H. Mathewson: Structural Premises of Strain Hardening and Recrystallization. Trans. ASM (1944) 32, p. 38.
3. J. A. Collins and C. H. Mathewson: Plastic Deformation and Recrystallization of Aluminum Single Crystals. Trans. AIME (1940) 137, p. 150.
4. R. Maddin, C. H. Mathewson, and W. R. Hibbard, Jr.: Unpredicted Cross-Slip in Single Crystals of Alpha Brass. Trans. AIME (1948) 175, p. 86; Metals Technology (February 1948).
5. R. D. Heidenreich: Structure of Slip Bands and Cold-worked Metal. Symposium, Cold Working of Metals. ASM (1949).