1. W.R. Evans, "Graphical Analysis of Control Systems", Trans. AIEE, 67, 547–551, 1948.
2. W.R. Evans, "Control System Synthesis by Root Locus Method", Trans. AIEE, 69, 1–4, 1950.
3. W.R. Evans, "Control System Dynamics", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1954.
4. B. Kouvaritakis, and U. Shaked, "Asymptotic behaviour of root-loci of multivariable systems", Int. J. Control, 23, 297–340, 1976.
5. D.H. Owens, "A note on series expansions for multivariable root-loci", Int. J. Control, 26, 549–557, 1977.