1. W. Clement, R.H. Willens, and R. Duwez,Nature, 187 (1960), p. 869.
2. For a review of early metallic glass work and planar flow casting technology, see J.J. Gillman and H.J. Leamy,Metallic Glasses (Metals Park, OH: ASM Int., 1978).
3. H.S. Chen,Acta Metall., 22 (1974), p. 1505.
4. M.C. Lee, J.M. Kendall, and W.L. Johnson,Appl. Phys, Lett, 40 (1982), p. 383.
5. A.L. Drehman, A. Greer, and D. Turnbull,Appl. Phys. Lett., 41 (1982), p. 716; also H.W. Kui, A.L. Geer, and D. Turnbull,Appl. Phys. Lett., 45 (1984), p. 615.