1. É. B. Arushanyan and Yu. A. Belozertsev, Fiziol. Zh. SSSR, No. 5, 580 (1964).
2. É. A. Bendikov, Abstracts of Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Junior Scientific Workers at the Institute of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy [in Russian], Moscow (1967), p. 23.
3. V. G. Butuzov, Abstracts of Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Junior Scientific Workers at the Institute of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy [in Russian], Moscow (1967), p. 26.
4. V. G. Butuzov and É. A. Bendikov, Farmakol. i Toksikol., No. 5, 533 (1969).
5. V. V. Zakusov and N. V. Kaverina, Kardiologiya, No. 11, 45 (1967).