1. W. I. Matson, V. V. Mshvenieradze:“All swans are white or black”. Does this refer to possible swans on canals on Mars? I. M. Copi:Tractatus 5.542.W. W. Rozeboom:Is Epimenides still lying? N. Rescher:Can there be random individuals? H. G. Alexander:More about the Paradigm-Case Argument.Analysis. Vol. 18, No. 5.
2. J. R. Searle:Russell's objections to Frege's theory of sense and reference.G. C. Nerlich:Sameness, difference and continuity.H. S. Eveling, G. O. M. Leith:When to use the Paradigm-Case Argument.Analysis. Vol. 18, No. 6.
3. J. L. Mackie:The rules of natural deduction.J. King-Farlow:Seafights without tears.H. Neri Castaneda:Imperatives and deontic logic.Analysis. Vol. 19, No 2.
4. P. T. Geach:Russell on meaning and denoting.Analysis. Vol. 19, No 3.
5. M. Roshwald:Value-judgments in the social sciences.F. A. Hayek:Degrees of explanation.The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. Vol. VIII, No 23.