1. W. F. SMITH, in “Structure and Properties of Engineering Alloys” (McGarw-Hill Inc., New York, 1993) p. 433.
2. M. SCHWARTZ, in “Brazing: For the Engineering Technologist” (Chapman & Hall, New York, 1995) p. 172.
3. D. L. OLSON, in “ASM Handbook” (ASM International, Ohio, 1993) Vol. 6.
4. G. HUMPSTON and D. M. JACOBSON, in “Principles of Soldering and Brazing” (ASM International, Ohio, 1993).
5. H. Y. CHAN, D. W. LIAW and R. K. SHIUE, Int. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mater. 22 (2004) 27.