1. S. BELISLE and R. DUFRESNE, in Proceedings of International. Symposium of Zn-A1 (ZA) Casting Alloys, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Canadian Inst. Of Min. and Metallurgy (1986) p. 109.
2. E. J. KUBEL Jr., Adv. Mat. and Processes 132 (1987) 51.
3. L. L. SHREIR, R. J. JARMAN and G. T. BURSTEIN (ed.) in ?Corrosion?, Vol. 1 (1994).
4. B. K. PRASAD, A. K. PATWARDHAN and A. H. YEGNESWARAN, Met. and Mat. Trans. A 27A (1996) 3513.
5. ASTM G31-72 (Reapproved 1985)]: Std. Practice for Laboratory Immersion Corrosion Testing of Metals.