1. J. W. GIBBS, “Collected Works” (Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1948), Vol. 1.
2. D. MCLEAN, “Grain Boundaries in Metals” (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1957).
3. P. WYNBLATT and R. C. KU, in “Interfacial Segregation”, edited by W. C. Johnson and J. M. Blakely (American Society for Metals, Metals Park, OH, 1979) p. 115.
4. D. A. STEIGERWALD, S. J. MILLER and P. WYNBLATT, Surf. Sci. 155 (1985) 79.
5. P. WYNBLATT and M. TAKASHIMA, Interf. Sci. 9 (2001) 265.