1. Schellmann NC, Taylor AC (2011) A fracture mechanics approach for analysing failing multilayered decorative coatings on wood for evaluating suitable consolidants. In: Bridgland J (ed) ICOM-CC 16th Triennal Conference preprints, Lisbon 19–23 Sept 2011. Critério-Artes Gráficas, Lda., Lisbon
2. Schellmann NC, Taylor AC (2011) The effect of consolidants on the mechanical fracture behaviour of gesso-type foundations in multilayered decorative coatings. In: Online Proceedings of CCI Symposium 2011, Adhesives and Consolidants for Conservation: Research and Applications. Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa. http://www.cci-icc.gc.ca/discovercci-decouvriricc/PDFs/Paper%2019%20-%20Schellmann%20and%20Taylor%20-%20English.pdf
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