1. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (November 1999) A Look at Residential Energy Consumption in 1997, DOE/EIA-0632 (97), EIA, Washington, DC
2. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (18 July 2003) Annual Energy Outlook 2003 with Projections to 2025 – Overview, [Online], Available from: [9 September 2003]
3. CNN.com (28 March 2002) Day of mourning for Afghan quake victims, [Online], Available from: [9 September 2003] and Ruiz, Hiram. (29 May 2003), World Refugee Survey 2003: News: South and Central Asia: 1.8 Million Afghans Return Home, But International Community Fails to Deliver Promised Aid, Security, [Online], U.S. Committee for Refugees (USCR), Available from: [9 September 2003]
4. Personal Correspondence with Shelter for Life, Harry van Burik, July 2003
5. United States Geological Survey (USGS) (28 October 2002) USGS Earthquake Hazards program: Significant Earthquakes of the World for 2002, [Online], Available from: < http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/eqlists/sig_2002.html> [9 September 2003]