1. A.G. Jordan, “Studies of Semiconducting Metal Oxides in Conjunction with Silicon for Solid State Gas Sensors”, CMU Proposal No. 08180 and ERDA Contract No. EE-77-S-02-4346 (1976).
2. G.N. Advani, Y. Komen, A.G. Jordan, D.J. Leary and R.L. Longini, “Studies of SnO2 as a Material for Gas Detection”, presenation at the 153rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Seattle, Washington, May 21– 26, 1978; Abstract No. 37.
3. A.G. Jordan, D.J. Leary, G.N. Advani and J.O. Barnes, “Studies of Semiconducting Metal Oxides in Conjunction with Silicon for Solid State Gas Sensors”, Invited talk at the Symposium of the Developemnt and Usage of Personal Exposure Monitors for Exposure and Health Effect Studies, January 22–24, 1979, Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina.
4. M.G. Morgan and S.C. Morris, “Individual Air Pollution Monitors - An Assessment of National Research Needs”, Report of a workshop held at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, July 8–10 (1975).
5. Z.M. Jarzebski and J.P. Marton, J. Electrochem. Soc.123, 199C (1976).