1. I. R. Kramer and L.W. Demer:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1961, vol. 221, p. 780.
2. I. R. Kramer:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1964, vol. 230, p. 991.
3. I. R. Kramer:Environment-Sensitive Mechanical Behavior, Gordon and Breach, New York, NY, 1965, p. 127.
4. I. R. Kramer: “Improvement of Creep and Stress-Rupture Life by a Surface Coating,” Aeronautical Systems Division Technical Documentary Report No. ASD-TDR-64, Contract AF33 (657) 10509, August 1964.
5. I. R. Kramer: “Study of the Influence of Solid Films on the Creep Behavior of Metals,” Naval Air Systems Command Report N00049-69-L-0122.