A quasiconformal Hopf soap bubble theorem


Gálvez José A.,Mira PabloORCID,Tassi Marcos P.


AbstractWe show that any compact surface of genus zero in $${\mathbb {R}}^3$$ R 3 that satisfies a quasiconformal inequality between its principal curvatures is a round sphere. This solves an old open problem by H. Hopf, and gives a spherical version of Simon’s quasiconformal Bernstein theorem. The result generalizes, among others, Hopf’s theorem for constant mean curvature spheres, the classification of round spheres as the only compact elliptic Weingarten surfaces of genus zero, and the uniqueness theorem for ovaloids by Han, Nadirashvili and Yuan. The proof relies on the Bers-Nirenberg representation of solutions to linear elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Applied Mathematics,Analysis

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