1. I.S. Altarev et al., JETP Lett, 44 (1986) 460.
2. Reviews on symmetry tests with gamma transitions: F. Boehm, in Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Radiation, Asilomar 1967, ed. E. Matthias and D.A. Shirley (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1968) p. 279; F. Bochm, in Angular Corrclations in Nuclear Disintegrations, Delft 1970, ed. H. van Krugten and B. van Nooijen, (Rotterdam University Press, Rotterdam, 1971) p. 339; D. Hamilton, ibid. p.358; B.A. Jacobsohn and E.M. Henley, Phys. Rev. 113 (1959) 239; E.M. Henley, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 19 (1969) 367. General Propertics of nuclear gamma radiation: K. Alder and R.F. Steffen, The Electromagnctic Interaction in Nuclear Physics (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1974). Gamma ray distributions from polarized nuclei: K.S. Krane, R.M. Steffen and R.M. Wheeler, NDT 11 (1973) 351; K.S. Krane, NDT 11 (1973) 407. Gamma ray linear polarization distributions: J. Rikovska and N.J. Stone, ADNDT 37 (1987) 53. Mossbauer symmetry tests: O. Kistner, in Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Radiation, Asilomar 1967, ed. E. Matthias and D.A. Shirley (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1968) p. 295.
3. J.D. Jackson, S.B. Treiman and H.W. Wyld, Phys. Rev. 106 (1957) 519, and Nucl. Phys. 4 (1957) 206.
4. A.I. Boothroyd, J. Markey, and P. Vogel, Phys. Rev. C 29 (1984) 603.
5. J. Markey, Thesis, California Institute of Technology (1985), unpublished.