1. Casagrande, A., ‘Discussion on frost heaving’, in ‘Highway Board Proceedings’, Vol. II, Part 1, 1931.
2. Brandl, H., ‘Quality requirements and tests for earthworks and granular bases’, only available in German, Proceedings of an International Meeting, 1977 (Road Research Society, 1977) 15–43.
3. ‘Granular Bases’, only available in German, in Bulletin No. 965 (10.2.81), Ministry of Transportation, 1981 (Road Research Society, 1981).
4. ‘General technical specifications for road building works’, only available in Croatian, 1 st Edn. (Zagreb, 1989).
5. Barber, E. S. and Sawyer, C. L.,Highway Research Board
31 (1952).