1. Abraham, K.: Notes on the psychoanalytical investigation and treatment of manic-depressive insanity and allied conditions. Selected papers, Chapter VI, Hogarth Press, 137, 1911.
2. Abraham, K.: A short study of the development of the libido, viewed in the light of mental disorders. Selected papers, Chapter XXVI, Hogarth Press, 418, 1927.
3. Alexander, F.: The psychoanalysis of the total personality. Nervous and mental disease monograph series No. 52, Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Co., 1930.
4. Aretaeus: See Jelliffe, S. E.: The psychiaters and psychiatry of the Augustan era. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., XIX, 1908; also, Notes on history of psychiatry. Alienist and Neurologist, XXXIII, 1912.
5. Baillarger, J.: Note sur un genre de folie dont les accès sont caractérisés par deux périodes régulières, l'une de dépression et l'autre d'excitation. Bull. de l'acad. de méd., Par. 1853-4, 19, 340. Also, Gax. hebd. de méd., Par., 1854, i, 263, 279. Also, transl. Am. J. Insan., Utica, N. Y., 1854-5, xi, 230. De la folie à double forme. Annales médico-psychologiques, 1854, 6, 369–391: 1880, 6, sér. 4, 5.