1. S. Ya. Éidel’man, Full-Scale Investigations of the Dam at the Bratsk Hydroelectric Plant [in Russian], Energiya, Moscow (1968).
2. K. A. Knyazev and V. I. Sinitsyn, “Experience with operation of the 50th Anniversary Bratsk hydroelectric plant,” Gidrotekh. Stroitel’., No. 3 (1971).
3. S. Ya. Éidel’man and Z. I. Solov’eva, “Investigations of the concrete dam at the Bratsk hydroelectric plant,” Izv. VNIIG, Vol. 100.
4. S. Ya. Éidel’man, “Opening of contact joints and decompression of rock foundation under first pillars of river-channel dam at the Bratsk hydroelectric plant,” Izv. VNIIG, Vol. 94.
5. M. S. Murav’ev, “Surveying observations on displacements of hydraulic structures with respect to their foundations,” Izv. Vuzov, Sec. 4. Geodeziya i A érofetos” emka, No. 5 (1958).