1. L. Berg, Differentiation asymptotischer Beziehungen, Math. Nachr., 29(1965), 123–129.
2. L. Berg, Asymptotische Darstellungen und Entwicklungen, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenshaften (Berlin, 1968).
3. R. P. Boas, JR., Asymptotic relations for derivatives, Duke Math. J., 3(1937), 637–646.
4. R. P. Boas, Jr., A Tauberian theorem connected with the problem of three bodies, Amer. Math. J., 61(1939), 161–164.
5. N. G. de Bruijn, Asymptotic methods in analysis, North-Holland Publishing Company and Wolters-Noordhoff Publishing (1970); corrected reprint of the third edition: Dover Publications Inc.(New York, 1981).