1. Aplan, F.F., 1993, “Coal properties dictate coal flotation strategies,” Transactions AIME, Vol. 294, pp. 83–96.
2. Arnold, B.J. and Aplan, F.F., 1990, “The use of pyrite depressants to reduce the sulfur content of Upper Freeport seam coal,” Processing and Utilization of High-Sulfur Coals, III, R. Markuszewski and T.D. Wheelock, eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 171–185.
3. Baker, A.F. and Miller, K.J., 1971, “Hydrolyzed metal ions as pyrite depressants in coal flotation: a laboratory study,” USBM RI 7518.
4. Bartsch, O., 1924, Kolloidchem. Beihefte, 20: 1 and 50. As cited by K.L. Sutherland and I.W. Wark, 1955, Principles of Flotation, Aus. IMM, Melbourne, pp. 385–386, 430.
5. Chander, S. and Aplan, F.F., 1992, “Enhancement of surface properties for coal beneficiation,” final report US DOE Grant No. DE-FG22-88PC88934, Jan. 30.