1. G. A. Varshavskii, Trudy BNT NKAP, No. 6, Moscow (1945).
2. D. B. Spalding, in: Problems in Combustion and Detonation Waves [Russian translation], Izd. Oborongiz, Moscow (1958).
3. G. G. Goodsafe, in: Problems in Combustion and Detonation Waves [Russian translation], Izd. Oborongiz, Moscow (1958).
4. F. A. Williams, Theory Combustion, Addison-Wesley (1964).
5. Izoda and Kumagai, Problems in Combustion. Material from the VI and VII International Symposia on Combustion [Russian translation from English, edited by S. A. Gol'denberg], Moscow (1963).