1. D’Abbicco, M.: A benefit from the $$L^\infty $$ smallness of initial data for the semilinear wave equation with structural damping. In: Mityushev, V., Ruzhansky, M. (eds.) Current Trends in Analysis and its Applications. Proceedings of the 9th ISAAC Congress, Krakow 2013, pp. 209–216 (2015).
2. D’Abbicco, M.: $$L^{1}$$-$$L^{1}$$ estimates for a doubly dissipative semilinear wave equation. Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 24(5), 2307–2336 (2017)
3. D’Abbicco, M., Ebert, M.R.: Diffusion phenomena for the wave equation with structural damping in the $$L^{p}$$-$$L^{q}$$ framework. J. Differ. Equ. 256(7), 2307–2336 (2014)
4. D’Abbicco, M., Ebert, M.R.: An application of $$L^p-L^q$$ decay estimates to the semilinear wave equation with parabolic-like structural damping. Nonlinear Anal. 99, 16–34 (2014)
5. D’Abbicco, M., Ebert, M.R.: A classification of structural dissipations for evolution operators. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 39, 2558–2582 (2016)