1. L. I. Topalov, A. B. Shaevich, and S. B. Shubina, Spectral Analysis of Iron Alloys [in Russian], Metallurgizdat, Sverdlovsk (1962).
2. Methods for Emission Spectrochemical Analysis, ASTM, Comm. E-2, 2nd Ed. Philadelphia (1957), p. 72.
3. É. N. Severin and A. V. Pavlukhina, Zav. Lab.,34, No. 4, 433 (1968).
4. J. N. Weber, Spectrochimica Acta,16, 1435 (1960).
5. H. Lengyel, J. Hofman, and H. Bright, Analysis of Ferrous Metals [Russian translation], Goskhimizdat, Moscow (1934), p. 563.