1. Mchangama, J., and N. Alkiviadou. 2020. The Digital Berlin Wall Act 2:. How the German Prototype for Online Censorship went Global: Justitia.
2. Algorithms and Human Rights: Study on the Human Rights Dimensions of Automated Data Processing Techniques and Possible Regulatory Implications’. 2017. Council of Europe, DGI(2017) 12: 18.
3. Farrior, Stephanie. 1996. Molding The Matrix: The Historical and Theoretical Foundations of International Law Concerning Hate Speech. Berkley Journal of International Law 14: 1.
4. General Comment 34 CCPR/C/GC/34. 2011. Article 19: Freedom of Opinion and Expression. United Nations Human Rights Committee.
5. For a discussion of these dilemmas and recommendations for ways forward please consult: Mchangama, J., N. Alkiviadou, and R. Mendiratta, A Framework of First Reference – Decoding a Human Rights Approach to Content Moderation in the era of “platformization” (2021) Justitia.