Impact of urban land use as public bath and park lawn compared to rural meadows on soil pH, compaction, and organic carbon and nitrogen content and stock, C/N ratio


Burghardt Wolfgang


Abstract Purpose The aim was to show the extent to which urban soils differ from rural ones. The main focus was the effect of lawn use compared to meadow on soil properties. Material and methods Study sites were a public bath lawn, near a children’s pool and football goal, differently frequented public park areas, and meadows inclusive of Colluvium. Undisturbed soils were sampled. The pH, bulk density, and soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) content were determined, the SOC density and SOC and N stocks, and C/N ratio were calculated. Results and discussion The pH of urban soils was variable and increased with depth. The meadow soil had very low pH values. The bulk density of urban soils showed the low compaction effect of older soil deposition techniques. Differences in soil bulk density occurred due to site use intensity. The top soil of the meadows had a very low bulk density due to its high soil organic matter content. In the subsoil it increased to low to moderate values. The SOC content and density differed between the types of lawn use and were not uniform. The meadow soils were more uniform. The N content varied not only on lawn sites but also in part between meadows. Conclusion Soil properties between urban lawn and rural meadow soils and within the groups of these soils differ due to the mode of deposition of soil substrates and the age of soils. Similar effects on soil properties exist, depending on soil use.


Universität Duisburg-Essen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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