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2. R. B. Campbell, D. L. Jassby, and S. A. Freije, Fusion technology for a magnetic fusion production reactor,J. Fusion Energy, companion paper in this issue.
3. R. W. Moir, Feasibility study of magnetic fusion production reactor,J. Fusion Energy, companion paper in this issue.
4. FED-R, A Fusion Engineering Device Utilizing Resistive Magnets, Fusion Engineering Design Center, Oak Ridge, TN, ORNL/FEDC-82/1 (1982).
5. R. J. Fonck et al., Impurity levels and power loadings in the PDX tokamak,Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions Controlled Fusion Devices, Gatlinburg, TN, 1982, J. Nucl. Matl. 1115: (112) 343?354 (1982).