1. All-Union State Standard 15820-75. Methods for determining residual monomers of styrene, ?-methylstyrene, acrylonitrile, methyl methacrylate, and nonpolymerizing admixtures of ethyl benzene and isopropyl benzene in polystyrene plastics by the use of gas-chromatography.
2. DIN 53741-71. Testing of artificial products. Determination of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons in polystyrene. Gaschromatographic procedures.
3. International Standard (ISO) 2561-74. Polystyrene: Determination of residual monomer by the gas-chromatographic method.
4. I. S. Marhevka, G. D. Jonson, and D. E. Hagen, Anal. Chem.,54, No. 4, 5607 (1982).
5. I. R. Wright and W. C. Askew, J. Chromatogr.,35, No. 1, 65 (1968).