Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference20 articles.
1. Lie, S., and G. Scheffers: Vorlesungen über kontinuierliche Gruppen. Leipzig 1893
2. Racah, G.: Group theory and spectroscopy. Princeton 1951. Page 28 in this volume
3. Pontrjagin, L.: Topological groups. Princeton, University press, 1939 (see also pp. 181 and 334)
4. Weyl, H.: The structure and representation of continuous groups. Princeton, 1934–1935 (mimeographed notes; see Chapter 2, Pt. 1)
5. Weyl, H. Theorie der Darstellung kontinuierlicher halb-einfacher Gruppen durch lineare Transformationen. Math. Z. 23, 271–309 (1925); 24, 328–395 (1926). (Reprinted in: Selecta Hermann Weyl, p. 262. Basel: Birkhauser 1956)
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3 articles.