AbstractThe nonlinear interactions between river discharge, astronomical tidal wave, and local geomorphology during storm passage or water release from upstream dams can produce severe floods in the Río Negro lower basin (Argentina). For this reason, this paper aims to detect and study nonlinear processes in this area. The watercourse hydrodynamics was described using hourly water level data from three limnigraphs during 2003 – 2021 and flow time series. The tide gauge dataset was employed to describe the influence of tidal cycles on the hydrological regimen. Nonlinear processes' impact on the astronomical tidal cycle and river discharge was analyzed using Harmonic Analysis, and Fourier higher-order spectra, also it was complemented with the selection of two study cases. Harmonic Analysis results showed that the tidal wave entry upstream of the Río Negro modulates its hydrological regime, presenting the water column semidiurnal variations. Also, high-order spectral analysis detected nonlinear interactions in the signal in storm conditions with an energetic redistribution among the linear tidal constituents toward shallow water harmonics. Additionally, nonlinear interactions provoked a delay in the tidal ebb phase with a consequential extension of flooding duration time. This type of study contributes to the knowledge of the flood mechanisms activated during a storm.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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