Arithmétique des Surfaces Cubiques Diagonales


Colliot-Thélène Jean-Louis,Kanevsky Dimitri,Sansuc Jean-Jacques


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference25 articles.

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1. Brauer–Manin obstruction for zero-cycles on certain varieties;Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux;2023-05-04

2. Une liste de problèmes;Lecture Notes in Mathematics;2022-08-03

3. Cohomology and the Brauer groups of diagonal surfaces;Duke Mathematical Journal;2022-04-15

4. An Erdős–Kac law for local solubility in families of varieties;Selecta Mathematica;2021-06-04

5. Rationality and specialization;Afrika Matematika;2018-08-11







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