1. W.D. Brownawell, Some remarks on semi-resultants, Chap. 14, Transcendence Theory: Advances and Applications, A. Baker and D.W. Masser, eds, Academic Press, New York, 1977.
2. W.D. Brownawell, Large transcendence degree revisited I. Exnential and non-CM cases, in these Proceedings.
3. W.D. Brownawell, A local Diophantine Nullstellen inequality, manuscript.
4. W.D. Brownawell, A note on a paper of P. Philippon, Mich. J. Math., to appear.
5. G.V. Chudnovsky, Some analytic methods in the theory of transcendental numbers, Inst. of Math., Ukr. SSR Acad. Sci., Preprint IM 74-8 and IM 74-9, Kiev, 1974 = Chapter 1 in Contributions to the Theory of Transcendental Numbers, Am. Math. Soc. Providence, R.I. 1984.