1. T. DRAGNEV, C. BEETS, Rep. EUR-4576 e, 1971, Chap. 3; KFK-1100, 1971.
2. R. J. S. HARRY, J. K. AALDIJK, J. P. BRAAK, Proc. Intern. Symp. on the Safeguarding of Nuclear Materials, Vienna 20–24 October 1975, IAEA-SM-201/66.
3. R. GUNNINK, R. J. MORROW, UCRL-51087, 1971. Also, R. GUNNINK, The New Data on Plutonium and Am-241 Gamma Ray Energies and Intensities Values (private communication).
4. J. T. ROUTTI, S. G. PRUSSIN, Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 72 (1972) 125.
5. ANSI N15.22, 1975.