1. N. Anderson and P. Wang, "MACSYMA experiments with a modified Khachiyan-type algorithm in linear programming", ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, February 1980, pp. 8–13.
2. B. Aspvall and R. E. Stone, "Khachiyan's Linear Programming Algorithm", Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 1, 1980, pp. 1–13.
3. G. B. Dantzig, "Khachiyan's Algorithm: a comment by George Dantzig", SIAM NEWS, Vol. 13, No. 5, October 1980.
4. G. B. Dantzig, "Expected Number of Steps of the Simplex Method for a Linear Program with a Convexity Constraint", Technical Report SOL 80-3, Systems Optimization Laboratory, Department of Operations Research, Stanford University, March 1980.
5. R. J. Fateman, "The Macsyma ‘Big-Floating-Point" Arithmetic System", Proceedings, ACM SYMSAC '76 Conference, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., August 10–12, 1976, pp. 209–213.