1. Brzeski, M.W. and Kotlinski, S. (1976) [Control of stem nematode (Ditylenchus dispaci) on garlic]Roczn. Nauk roln.5: 17–21. (in Polish) [Helminth. Abstr. 45 (1976): 306].
2. Budai, C. (1977) [Damage of the nematodeDitylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev in the onion producing area of Hungary (Mako)]. Növenyvedelem 13: 14. (in Hungarian) [Helminth. Abstr. 48 (1979): 678].
3. Chen, Y. and Katan, J. (1980) Effect of solar heating of soils by transparent polyethylene on their chemical properties.Soil Sci. 130: 271–277.
4. Cindea, E. (1979) Contributions to the control of the nematodeDitylenchus dipsaci Kühn on garlic.Anal. Inst. Cere. Legum. Flori. 5: 267–273. (Rumanian, with English summary)
5. German, E.V. (1979) [The pathogenicity of the onion stem nematode].Vest, sel’-khoz. Nauki, Kazakhstana 10: 27–28. (in Russian) [Helminth. Abstr. 49 (1980): 637].