1. G.J. Bierman, “Sequential square-root filtering and smoothing of discrete linear systems”, Automatica 10 (1974) 147–158.
2. G.J. Bierman, “On the application of discrete square-root information filtering”, International Journal of Control 20 (1974) 465–477.
3. G.J. Bierman, “Sequential least-squares using orthogonal transformations”, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Technical Memorandum 33–735 (August 1975).
4. G.J. Bierman, Factorization methods for discrete sequential estimation (Academic Press, New York, 1977).
5. G.J. Bierman and M.W. Nead, “A parameter estimation subroutine package”, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Publication 77-26, Revision 2 (October 1978).