1. A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman, The design and analysis of computer algorithms (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1974).
2. J. Cohen and J. Katcoff, “Automatic solution of a certain class of combinatorial problems”, Information Processing Letters 6 (1977) 101–104.
3. T.N. Hibbard, “Some combinatorial properties of certain trees with applications to searching and sorting”, Journal of the Association of Computing Machinery 9 (1962) 13–29.
4. D.E. Knuth, The art of computer programming. Volume 1: fundamental algorithms (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1968).
5. D.E. Knuth, The art of computer programming. Volume 2: seminumerical algorithms (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1969).