1. E. Justiniano, R. Schuch, M. Schulz, S. Reusch, P.H. Mokler, D.J. McLaughlin, Y. Hahn; invited paper to XV. ICPEAC (Brighton, 1987) in print. See also several abstracts of contributed Papers to XV. ICPEAC (Brighton, 1987) pp 640?646.
2. W.G. Graham, E.M. Bernstein, M.W. Clark, J.A. Tanis; Phys. Lett.125A (1987) 134
3. P.H. Mokler, S. Reusch; GSI Scientific Report 1985 (ISSN 0174?0814), GSI 86-1 (1986) 371
4. H. Poth; Z. Phys.A326 (1987) 483
5. D. Brandt; Phys. Lett.A27 (1983) 1314