1. H. Hertz,Uber die Berührung fester elastischer Körper (On the contact of elastic solids). Z. reine angew. Math.92, 156?171 (1882). (For English translation seeMiscellaneous Papers by H. Hertz, Eds. Jones and Schott, MacMillan, London 1896).
2. L. A. Galin,Contact Problems in the Theory of Elasticity. North Carolina State College, Dept. of Mathematics, Raleigh 1961.
3. G. M. L. Gladwell,Contact Problems in the Classical Theory of Elasticity. Sijthoff and Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn 1980.
4. K. L. Johnson,Contact Mechanics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1987.
5. J. R. Barber,Elasticity. Kluwer, Amsterdam 1992.