Bibliography section


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Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Spectroscopy,Pollution,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Analytical Chemistry

Reference108 articles.

1. ALESKEEV, V. V., ZABEGAJ, V. M., MELENEVSKIJ, A. EH., NEMETS, O. F., TIKHIJ, V. A.: Method of analysis of protein content with the help of nuclear reactions. (In Russian). AN SSSR, Moscow; Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; AN Azerbajdzhanskoj SSSR, Baku (USSR). These of reports of 26. conference on nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure, Baku, 3–6 Feb 1976. INIS-mf-3329. p. 376. Published in summary form only, see also INIS Atomindex 10 (1979) RN 432181.

2. ALEKSEEV, V. V., MELENEVSKIJ, A. EH., NEMETS, O. F., USIK, V. A., TIKHIJ, V. A.: Installation for protein content measurement by nuclear reactions (In Russian). AN SSSR, Moscow; Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispolzovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; AN Uzbekskoj SSR, Tashkent, Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki. Summaries of reports of 27. conference on nuclear spectorscopy and nuclear structure. 1977. p. 539. Short note. Available from the State Lenin Library, Moscow, USSR. (27. Annual conference on nuclear spectorscopy and nuclear structure. Tashkent, USSR, 22–25 Mar 1977), see also INIS Atomindex 10 (1979) RN 437662.

3. AL-HADDAD, I. K., CHETTLE, D. R., FREMLIN, J. H., HARVEY, T. C. (Department of Physics, Univ. of Birmingham, P.O. Box 363, Birmingham B15 2TT, (England)): Gammaray analysis of renal cadmium by pulsed thermal neutron capture. J. Radioanal. Chem. 53 (1979) 203–212.

4. ALIMARIN, I. P., YAKOVLEV, YU. V., KOLOTOV, V. P., MIKLISHANSKIJ, A. Z., SAVEL'EV, B. V., NIKITINA, L. P., MENYAJLOV, I. A. (AN SSSR, Moscow, Inst. Geokhimii i Analiticseszkoj Khimii; AN SSSR, Petropablovsk-Kamchatskij Inst. Vulkanologii): Application of group extraction separation in neutron activation analysis of condensates of volcanic vapours. (In Russian). Zh. Anal. Khim. ISSN 0044-4502. (Sep 1978). v. 33 (9) p. 1685–1690. For English translation see the Journal J. Anal. Chem. USSR, see also INIS Atomindex 10 (1979) RN 440291.

5. ANDREEV, A. V., GOLUBCHIKOV, V. V. (Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij i Proektnyj Inst. Redkometalli-cheskoj Promyshlennosti, Moskow (USSR)): Use of fast neutrons and Ge(Li) detector for determination of silicon and oxygen in various materials. Zh. Anal. Khim. (1975). v. 30 (11) p. 2150–2157. For English translation see the journal J. Anal. Chem. USSR, see also INIS Atomindex 10 (1979) RN 429217.







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