AbstractAlthough studies have revealed the importance and effect of mothers' communication levels on behavioral problems seen in children, the role of the other key variable in this relationship has not been adequately examined. This study aims to test a theoretical model developed based on the relevant literature to evaluate the mediating role of the mother's conflict resolution skills in the relationship between the behavioral problems of children aged 3–6 years and the mother's communication skills. The study was prepared based on the correlational survey model. Its sample consists of 410 mothers who have children in the age group of 3–6 years and live within the borders of Northern Cyprus. The mothers included in the sample were contacted using a stratified sampling method. The personal information form, Communication Skills Scale-Adult Form, Conflict Resolution Scale, and Social Competence and Behavior Assessment Scale were used to collect the data. Statistical data were analyzed using the SPSS 24.0 and Amos 21.0 software. The statistical analysis of the research data indicates that the fit indices, except for RMSEA, demonstrate that the χ2/df value has an acceptable fit and the GFI, NFI, and CFI values fall within the fit limits. According to the research findings, mothers' tendencies in conflict resolution significantly predict children's social competence and behaviors. Furthermore, the study reveals that mothers' communication skills do not significantly predict children's social competence and behaviors. As a result, it is determined that mothers' conflict resolution tendencies mediate the relationship between their communication skills and children's social competence and behaviors. In light of these findings, several recommendations are proposed for future research and practical applications.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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