Exploring barriers and facilitators to increase the engagement with a digital app (OLIO) for food/non-food sustainable consumption in citizens from Bogotá, Colombia


Gómez Ceballos Angela MilenaORCID,Antonopoulou ViviORCID


AbstractEngaging in sustainable behaviours is a key priority for environmental sustainability. Behavioural changes such as recycling, and food sharing are needed to achieve a zero-emissions society. Digital technologies can support engagement with these behaviours through publicly accessible digital platforms such as mobile apps which connect those with surplus items to those who need or wish to consume these items. However, very little research has examined the factors influencing engagement with mobile apps, particularly in the context of developing countries. This exploratory sequential mixed methods study used behavioural science models to identify factors influencing engagement with the Olio app, a mobile application for food and non-food items sharing in Bogota, Colombia. Influencing factors were analyzed and categorized as barriers or enablers using the Capability (C), Opportunity (O), and Motivation (M) model of behaviour (B) change (COM-B). Regarding barriers, two were strong influencers “perceived difficulty to use a mobile app” for donating items (physical opportunity, β = -.25, p < .001), and “lack of time to collect a used item in others’ location” (physical opportunity, β = -.18, p < .01). As to the enablers, the strongest predictor for collecting was “finding mobile apps to share used items to be widely disseminated on social media channels” (physical opportunity, β = .27, p < .001) and for donating “Knowing how to use mobile apps” (psychological capability, β = .19, p < .01). Findings are discussed along with implementation strategies that could potentially increase engagement with the Olio app to support sustainable consumption.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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