1. H.P. Barendregt, M.C.J.D. van Eekelen, M.J. Plasmeijer, P.H. Hartel, L.O. Hertzberger, W.G. Vree, "The Dutch Parallel Reduction Machine Project", Frontiers in Computing, Amsterdam, December 1987.
2. F.W. Burton, M.R. Sleep, "Executing functional programs on a virtual tree of processors", Conference on functional languages and computer architecture, New Hampshire, 1981, pp 187–194.
3. J. Fairbairn, S. Wray, "Tim: a simple, lazy abstract machine to execute supercombinators", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture (FPCA '87), Portland, Oregon, USA, LNCS 274, pp. 364–384, September 1987.
4. P.H. Hartel, W.G. Vree, "A load distribution network for a multi processor reduction machine", Internal report D-6, PRM project, April 1986
5. P.H. Hartel, W.G. Vree, Parallel graph reduction for divide and conquer applications-part II, Internal report D-20, PRM project, December 1987.