1. P. Cior, M. Danysz andJ. Gierula:Nuovo Cimento,11, 436 (1954).
2. During the performing of this analysis I have received the preprint of the work:About the Λ-NucleonForce from Prof.R. Gatto, in which the need for an analysis of angular distributions in hyperfragment decays is emphasized. I am indebted to Prfo. Gatto for sending me the preprints and private communications.
3. J. Crussard, V. Fouche, G. Kayas, L. Leprince-Ringuet, D. Morellet, F. Renard andJ. Trembley:Report of the Conference in Pisa (1955), p. 481.
4. W. F. Fry, J. Schneps andM. S. Swami:Disintegration of Hyperfragments, II (preprints). I am indebted to Prof. Fry and his collaborators for sending us the preprint of their work prior to publication.
5. K. Gottstein, B. Roederer, J. Roederer, N. Varshneya andP. Waloschek:Report of the Conference in Pisa (1955), p. 265.