1. [Anon.] (2020) Interview with author on 2 Nov 2020
2. [Anon.] (2021a) Two interviews with author on 27 May 2021
3. [Anon.] (2021b) Interview with author on 28 May 2021
4. Baldock S (2020) Wendy Cope’s email archive at the British Library, presentation at the conference archives, access and AI: working with born-digital and digitised archival collections. https://www.poetrysurvival.com/programme-aracai-conference/. Accessed 17 Nov. 2021
5. Bearman D (1994) Managing electronic mail. Arch Manusc 22: 28–50. https://publications.archivists.org.au/index.php/asa/article/view/8385/8379. Accessed 12 July 2021