1. General Electric Company, “Incandescent Lamps”, Nela Park, OH, Pamphlet TP-110R2, 1984.
2. Philips Lighting: Guide to Incandescent Lamps, 1986.
3. Mark S. Rea (Ed.) IESNA Lighting Handbook, IESNA, New York, 2000, 6-13, 14, 15.
4. J.R. Coaton and A.M. Marsden, Lamps and Lighting, Arnold, London, 1997, contribution by S. H. Howe and I. Connor, “Incandescent Lamps”, p 161-176.
5. R. Bergman, L. Bigio and J. Ranish, “Filament Lamps”, GE Research and Development Centre Report 98 CRD027, 1998.