1. A.Y. Alfaify, J. Hughes, and K. Ridgway, Critical Evaluation of the Pulsed Selective Laser Melting Process When Fabricating Ti64 Parts Using a Range of Particle Size Distributions, Addit. Manuf., 2018, 19, p 197–204.
2. H. Azizi, H. Zurob, B. Bose, S. Reza Ghiaasiaan, X. Wang, S. Coulson, V. Duz, and A.B. Phillion, Additive Manufacturing of a Novel Ti-Al-V-Fe Alloy Using Selective Laser Melting, Addit. Manuf., 2018, 21, p 529–535.
3. A. Khorasani, I. Gibson, U.S. Awan, and A. Ghaderi, The Effect of SLM Process Parameters on Density, Hardness, Tensile Strength and Surface Quality of Ti-6Al-4V, Addit. Manuf., 2019, 25, p 176–186.
4. J.J. Lin, Y.H. Lv, Y.X. Liu, B.S. Xu, Z. Sun, Z.G. Li, and Y.X. Wu, Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Wall Deposited by Pulsed Plasma Arc Additive Manufacturing, Mater. Des., 2016, 102, p 30–40.
5. H. Hassanin, L. Finet, S.C. Cox, P. Jamshidi, L.M. Grover, D.E.T. Shepherd, O. Addison, and M.M. Attallah, Tailoring Selective Laser Melting Process for Titanium Drug-Delivering Implants with Releasing Micro-Channels, Addit. Manuf., 2018, 20, p 144–155.