1. B.D. Lee, U.H. Baek, and J.W. Han, Optimization of Gating System Design for Die Casting of Thin Magnesium Alloy Based Multi-Cavity LCD Housings, J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 2012, doi: 10.1007/s11665-011-0111-1
2. J.W. Han, B.D. Lee, J.I. Park, B.D. You, and J.Y. Byun, Degassing Kinetics of Magnesium Alloy Melt, Rare Met., 2008, 27, p 93–96
3. B.D. Lee, U.H. Baek, K.S. Jang, H.T. Son, and J.W. Han, Effect of Double Aging on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ag Added magnesium Alloys, Korean J. Met. Mater., 2011, 49, p 440–447
4. B.D. Lee, E.J. Kim, U.H. Baek, and J.W. Han, Precipitate Prediction Model of Mg-xAl(x = 3,6,9) Alloys, Met. Mater. Int., 2013, 19, p 135–145
5. B.D. Lee, H.T. Son, and J.W. Han, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties on Aging Behavior of Zn Containing Mg-2Sn-0.4Mn Alloy, Intermetallics, 2013, 32, p 214–218