1. B. V. Deryagin and N. A. Krotova, Adhesion [in Russian], Moscow (1949).
2. V. P. Smigla and B. V. Deryagin, in: Glues and Glue Technology [in Russian], Moscow (1960), p. 7; Materialy Konf. Adgeziya i Prochn. Adgez. Soedin., Moscow (1968), p. 17.
3. S. S. Voyutskii, Polymer Autohesion and Adhesion [in Russian], Moscow (1960).
4. N. I. Moskvitin, Physical Chemical Fundamentals of Cementing and Adhesion [in Russian], Moscow (1965).
5. S. S. Voyutskii, D. V. Deryagin and V. G. Raevskii, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 161, 377 (1965).