1. C. Carry and J. L. Strudel:Acta Met., 1977, vol. 25, p. 767.
2. C. Carry and J. L. Strudel:Acta Met., 1978, vol. 26, p. 859.
3. J. C. M. Li:Electron Microscopy and Strength of Crystals, G. Thomas and J. Washburn eds., p. 713, Interscience Publ., N.Y. 1963.
4. M. J. Marcinkowski and W. F. Tseng:Met. Trans., 1970, vol. 1, p. 3397.
5. B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie:The C Programming Language, Prentice- Hall, 1978.