1. J. B. Torrance, Proc. NATO Adv. Study Institute on “Chemistry and Physics of One-Dimensional Metals,” Bolzano, Italy, Aug. 1976, to be published, H. J. Keller, ed. (Plenum Press, 1977).
2. J. B. Torrance, Y. Tomkiewicz, and B. D. Silverman, submitted to Phys. Rev. B.
3. J. B. Torrance, H. A. Mook, and C. R. Watson, submitted.
4. J. P. Pouget, S. K. Khanna, R. Comes, A. F. Garito and A. J. Heeger, Phys. Rev. Letters 35, 445 (1975); S. K. Khanna, J. P. Pouget, R. Comes, A. F. Garito and A. J. Heeger, to be submitted.
5. S. Kagoshima, T. Ishiguro, and H. Anzai, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Japan.