Perturbative Symmetry Approach for Differential–Difference Equations


Mikhailov Alexander V.ORCID,Novikov Vladimir S.,Wang Jing Ping


AbstractWe propose a new method to tackle the integrability problem for evolutionary differential–difference equations of arbitrary order. It enables us to produce necessary integrability conditions, to determine whether a given equation is integrable or not, and to advance in classification of integrable equations. We define and develop symbolic representation for the difference polynomial ring, difference operators and formal series. In order to formulate necessary integrability conditions, we introduce a novel quasi-local extension of the difference ring. We apply the developed formalism to solve the classification problem of integrable equations for anti-symmetric quasi-linear equations of order $$(-3,3)$$ ( - 3 , 3 ) and produce a list of 17 equations satisfying the necessary integrability conditions. For every equation from the list we present an infinite family of integrable higher order relatives. Some of the equations obtained are new.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education of Russian Federation


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Mathematical Physics,Statistical and Nonlinear Physics

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